Poison 2 is an Indian crime-thriller and action web series which premiered on Zee5 on October 16, 2020. The lead role of this web series is Aftab Shivdasani and Raai Laxmi. The series also stars Pooja Chopra, Rahul Dev, Vin Rana, and many more star cast.
Here are the complete cast and crew of web series ‘Poison 2’.
Real Name | Role Name | Image |
Aftab Shivdasani | Aditya | |
Raai Laxmi | Sara | |
Pooja Chopra | Isha | |
Rahul Dev | Sikander | |
Zain Imam | Harsh | |
Vin Rana | Oscar | |
Karan Veer Mehra | Jaiveer | |
Asmita Sood | Tina | |
Pawan Chopra | Commissioner | |
Joy Sengupta | Home Sec. | |
Sakshi Pradhan | ||
Taher Shabbir | ||
Gaurav Sharma |
Poison 2 Web Series Cast, Poison 2 Web Series Wiki
Poison 2 Release Date and Timings
Show name | Poison 2 |
Available on | Zee5 |
Main Cast | Aftab Shivdasani, Raai Laxmi, Pooja Chopra, and Rahul Dev |
Release date | October 16, 2020 |
Language | Hindi |
Country of origin | India |
Running Time | Update Soon |
No of seasons | 2 |
No of episodes | 11 |
Genre | Action, Crime, Thriller |
Poison 2 Director, Producer, Writer, Cinematography
Directed by | Vishal Pandya |
Created by | Ekta Kapoor |
Written by | Rehan Khan |
Producer | Suzanna Ghai, Hemant Ruprell, Ranjeet Thakur, Vinayak Jain, Amit Bhargava |
Cinematography by | Ravi Walia |
Production company | Panorama Entertainment & Bombay Media Works |
Distributor | Zee5 |
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